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How do I prepare for a AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification?

How do I prepare for a AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification?

AWS Certification
Shortlist of key AWS Services

Today I passed my AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.

In this blogpost I review the things I did to prepare for the exam.

Why work on AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification?

Why spend all time and money to get certified if we can deploy using Heroku & Netlify and call it a day?

Here are a few reasons

  • Higher Salary
    • We could all use more money after all
  • Confidence
    • Speak with authority with peers
  • Knowledge
    • Understand the value proposition which put Amazon in FAANG
  • Business Value
    • Understand how AWS can help you if you're planning on building the next silicon valley unicorn


I used Quizlet. It's is a flashcard SaaS which gamify's learning. Create flashcards which generate games for checkpoints, learning, testing, and competition.


Inspired by Docusaurus and Gatsby's gatsby-remark-table-of-contents,


Watch videos daily Document content on Quizlet Simplify concepts where I could Google and/or review AWS documentation when I didn't understand a concept/content in video

  • T3P - Technology To The Point

    • Pro
      • Question format like the exam.
      • Answer and possible answers provided like the exam.
    • Con
      • Did not always provide explanations for answers.
  • Certificate Hub Academy

    • Pro
      • Question format like the exam.
    • Con
      • Monotone felt annoying after a while.
  • Tech Talks

    • Pro

      • Presented slides of the AWS services.
      • Walked through the use of services.
    • Con

      • At times felt overwhelmed by the amount of concepts.
  • Simplilearn

    • Pro

      • Presented slides of the AWS services with explanations.
    • Con

      • At times felt overwhelmed by the amount of concepts.

AWS Documentation

The official AWS Documentation is last.

The reason why I listed it last is because without a "foundational" start, reading through them and the various Whitepapers would feel like toture if you're anything like me.